Saturday, January 21, 2012

Potato Cheese Soup

Now this one is a little tricky but maybe you can get the idea. I really do not measure with this one. I start with about half a cup of diced onions (I have also used dried onion flakes-about 1 tbl when I didn't have an onion-omit butter if you use them) and a tbl spoon of butter. Saute. Then I add a can of cream of chicken soup, 2 cups of half and half ( I use all milk if I do not have this), and about a cup to cup and a half of Velveeta cheese torn into pieces (depends on how cheesy you like it. I let that all cook together and melt. Depending on consistency sometimes I add a cup or two of milk to thin it out, then a bag of Oreida  frozen potatos (Southern Style Hash Browns) to the soup mixture. Turn on low and let cook for about 20 mins. Ta-dah!! So easy and so yummy!

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